First Responder Rebate
First Responder Rebate
First Responders of all stripes are a vital part of our society. Whether you are a nurse, an EMT, Fire Fighter, Police Officer, Veteran, teacher, or any number of other types of public servant, you make our community a better place.
It’s for this reason that I am proud to offer a rebate that comes directly out of my commission when I help you buy or sell a property! This rebate will go towards your closing costs to help say “Thank You” for all that you do. I have already given tens of thousands of dollars with this rebate, and am happy to give more!
My brother recently retired with 20 years of service in the United State Air Force. My mother has had multiple roles serving her community through government and the school system for more than 30 years. I have numerous family members who serve as officers of the law. And as someone who has been a public servant since 2008 and even ran for elected office, I know that people serve in different capacities and for different reasons.
I also sat on the Board of Directors for Running 4 Heroes, where we have given away hundreds of thousands of dollars for injured First Responders. It’s an honor and privilege to give back to those who give to their communities.
Thank you.